
astral projection

Beginners Guide to a Simple Wake-induced Astral Projection

Find a quiet place (if you live in a huge urban area with lots of noise, well. move to another place). Dim the lights. Don't turn them all the way off, just leave a smooth lighting in the room. I don't know why the lights should not be turned completely off but the majority of people and myself consider smooth light as best.
Make sure no one will disturb you. Disconnect the phone. If you wish you can have a low-volumed, monotonous music playing in the background. DON'T listen to something complex or loud. There is a band called Dead Can Dance, which is perfect.
Wear light and comfortable clothes. Basically it is best not to wear anything at all (there may be some people not feeling totally comfortable with that though.).
Remove any metallic object from your body. Lay down on your back with the top of your head facing towards the north. I have accomplished many projections laying completely the opposite direction but it is always better to lay down with your head looking to the north.  

Now you must relax. While you lay down on your back, relax your mind and body. Remove any tension from your muscles. The eyelids, the forehead, the shoulders, the neck, and the feet are spots that you easily may miss. Then relax your mind. Forget your problems for now (this sounds, but is not easy). Just make relaxed and easygoing thoughts. After you have relaxed enough do what you would normally do if you were going to take a nap. Turn until you are comfortable with your position. Scratch anything that is icky. And slowly let your body fall asleep. And this is the point that you must pay attention.
In every projection (or dream) your physical body is asleep while your astral body travels around. This is the thing you must achieve. Your physical body must be asleep while you are conscious. When you normally go to sleep you slowly loose your consciousness and start dreaming. Your goal is to remain conscious. Your body must be asleep and your mind awake. The state in which the body is asleep and the mind awake is called borderline state. Achiving that needs practice. 

There are several ways and methods to achieve getting into the borderline state. 

A very interesting method is to sleep on your side and have an arm raised up towards the ceiling. Your arm will fall on your body (thank you Newton) when you fall asleep. So every time your hand falls on you, you will awake. That way you will control yourself better so that your mind won’t fall asleep. Try it! At first it feels quite stupid but believe me, it is a very efficient and useful method.

Another method (which is the most popular) is to focus on the black… thing that you see when your eyes are closed. Watch it as though it was a movie. Don’t stray. Just watch it. You will eventually notice that it is not a completely black mass but that some patterns form in it. Watch the patterns. How they move and change. So you won’t fall asleep.

Another good idea is to focus on that strange buzzing sound at the back of your head. You may never notice that sound but if you stay in a quiet place for a while you will hear it. That buzz at the back of your head…

The important thing is not to focus and control your thoughts. If you don’t focus you will eventually fall asleep and dream a nice unconscious dream… Which is not bad of course, but it isn’t our goal either.

Every time you notice that you are not focused, retain your thought and keep it on a clear, linear thought  (like watching the black mass behind your eyelids, or the listening to that buzzing sound).

So your body will fall asleep and you remain will awake. How will you know that your body is asleep? That’s simple… The moment your body will fall asleep (a process far more sudden than most people think) you will come to a condition stated as the trance state. When you are at trance you won’t be able to hear or see with you physical eyes and your body will become very heavy. Your eyelids may be moving too.

When you reach that condition it will be time for you to have vibrations. Most people wake up immediately after they have vibrations for the first time. The same thing will happen to you too. But eventually you will see that it is a very interesting state and you will enjoy it.

I don’t think anyone can say what the vibrations are for sure. Neither do I. I don’t know what they are but I can tell what they are like. They feel like strong electrical charges penetrate you but you don'y fell any pain at all. Waves upon waves of energy go through and shake your body. Some people feel a strong steady pulse penetrate they body in addition to the vibrations. You can control the vibrations. You can bring them to your body when you wish. But to have vibrations for the first time is kind of difficult.

One way to do that is to imagine a ball filled with energy that penetrates and vibrates your body.

To be more specific, imagine two lines filled with energy that extend from your eyes to the ceiling parallel to each other. Then slowly connect theese lines and at the point where the two lines meet imagine a sparkling energy ball formatting. Keep the ball at that point and then imagine that that ball rushes into your head with great speed and causes you to vibrate.

Difficult huh?

Well you can try something alternative that I recommend. It takes more time but it is easier and you'll  learn a whole bunch of stuff from the procedure.

You must achieve to wake up from sleep and have vibrations.

When you wake up in the morning don’t stand up from bet immediately. Stand still. Don’t move or open your eyes. Stay in bed and try to concentrate to some thought or feeling. Vibrations will rush in because you are very relaxed. Of course you won't do it with the first or second attempt. At first you will completely forget that you are supposed to stay in bed. You will stand up and then you will remember, but as time goes by you will eventually remember that you must stay in bed. It is a matter of time.


After you have achieved all the “relaxation-vibration” stuff you will pass to the next important –on suffix. Separation. Most people mess up at this point so be careful. A successful separation is a matter of mind-balance and luck. 

When you reach the vibration state try to move your astral arms. If this is possible then you are ready to separate.
One way is to grab something and pull yourself out of your body. It does not matter how far that something is. Your astral arms can stretch infinitely.
Another way is to “fall” off your body. Just “feel” that you are falling from your body to the floor under your bed.
You can also try to soar above your body. Just imagine you are light as a feather and soar over your body.

It often occurs that you are separated from the head and below but you just can’t glue away you head. Well if that happens… I don’t know what you should do… Interrupt and try again.

After you separate move away from your body because it has the strange and annoying habit of pulling you back.

I must mention that when you separate form your body you will be blind. DON’T try to open your eyes. If you try to open your eyes you will be dawn back to the physical (which means that you can simply try to open your eyes when you want to return). Just move your astral arms in front of your face and try to “see” them moving. They will eventually appear in front of you in the form off two lumps of gray matter (iak!)…

On your first projection you may not hear good as well. This will correct with time.


by Raving-Raven